3D printing for bioceramics

3D printing test systems are used for direct production of patient-specific bone graft substitutes. Three-dimensionally structured, resorbable scaffolds are produced and then seeded with autologous cells (tissue engineering). The scaffolds can be generated using different bioceramics.

The test rig consists of a storage room, a building space, a level and a printing unit.

After the manufacturing process, the green bodies (see below on the left) are freed from the rest of the loose powder and sintered in a final treatment step. In this high temperature process the parts undergo a material-dependent shrinkage and achieve their final strength.

Contact: Christian Polley M.Sc.

Building Space L/W/H: 100 x 100 x 100 mm3
Resolution: 250 µm x 250 µm
Layer thickness: 250 µm
Build speed: 30 mm/h
Data format: Bitmap
Material: Hydroxylappatit, Tricalciumphosphat, biphasische Keramiken