Complex building, Room 07
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6
18059 Rostock

Fon  +49 (0) 381 498 - 9xxx
Fax  +49 (0) 381 498 - 9092

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Seitz

Professor for Microfluidics | Head of Chair


Hermann Seitz studied electrical engineering at the Technical University of Munich and received his diploma in 1997. From 1997 to 2001 he was a research assistant at the Chair of Feingerätebau und Mikrotechnik (Prof. Dr. J. Heinzl ) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. He was working on the development of drop generators with piezoelectric actuators and their use in different application areas. Another area of ​​research were new drop-based rapid prototyping systems (3D printing) . He completed his doctorate in 2002 with a thesis entitled "Modelling and simulation of drop generators on piezoelectric bending transducer base."

From 2001 to 2006, he led, together with Prof. Dr. Carsten Tille, the work group Rapid Prototyping at the research center caesar in Bonn. The focus of the research was in the area of innovative rapid prototyping techniques and materials for medical and medical applications. In 2007 Hermann Seitz was appointed as Professor of Fluid Technology and Microfluidic Technology and in 2018 as Professor of Microfluidics in the field of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology at the University of Rostock.