Confocal microscope Olympus LEXT OLS4000

The confocal laser scanning microscope LEXT OLS4000 from Olympus at the chair of fluid technology and microfluidics, is an optical analyzer available which provides extremely accurate topographical information. By means of a layered intensity analysis the surface texture and topology of various materials can be determined. Values, such as roughness and waviness, can be measured without contact and with high accuracy. Additionally, the laser scanning microscope is equipped with a CCD-camera to take pictures with color information at the same time.

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Georg Schnell

Objektive: 5x/10x/20x/50x/100x/
50x LWD/ 100x LWD
Vergrößerung: 108 … 17280x
Scanning-Zoom: 1 … 8x
Auflösung Höhenmessung: 0,01 µm
Wiederholgenauigkeit Höhenmessung: 0,012 µm
Auflösung Breitenmessung: 0,002 µm
Wiederholgenauigkeit Breitenmessung: 0,02 µm
Bildauflösung: 1024 x 1024 Pixel/
4096 x 4096 Pixel
Auflösung Farb-CCD-Chip: 1024 x 1024 Pixel