Centifluidic Technologies

An alliance comprised of eight regional industry partners and six research institutions "Centifluidic Technologies" has made it his goal to develop new technologies for conveying, mixing and dosing in centifluidic systems, ie systems for the handling of liquids in the range of centiliters. These new technologies are the foundation for the systematic development of an area, which is located between today's microfluidics and fluidic technologies (see figure). Due to the wide hierarchical setting of the industrial partners and the extensive research capabilities of universities and research institutes, it is the alliance under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Seitz to make a comprehensive development in this area of ​​research possible.


The research project "Centifluidic Technologies" is a funded project by the BMBF program "Innovative Regional Growth Cores" that is divided into eight collaborative projects. The working group of the chair works on four sub-projects in four collaborative projects. Please refer to the corresponding sub-pages for more information on subprojects.

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Vincent Morrison



Förderung: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Laufzeit: 01/2012 – 12/2014
Kooperation: Albutec GmbH
Cytocentrics Bioscience GmbH
Dockweiler AG
DST Diagnostische Systeme und Technologien GmbH
HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH
Litronic Steuer- und Regeltechnik GmbH
Plasotec GmbH
RoweMed AG Medical 4 Life
Beckmann Institut für Technologieentwicklung
Leibniz-Institut für Plasmaforschung und Technologie e.V. (INP)
Universität Greifswald (MEF)
Universität Rostock (MNF und MEF)