Electrolytical plasma polishing of aluminium
Plasma polishing is an innovative surface finishing process that is protected by patents of plasotec GmbH. Polishing of exterior surfaces can be considered as state of the art and is already used industrially. In addition various steels, titanium, copper and brass can be electrolytically plasma-polished. Plasma polishing of aluminium is not yet possible and is the focus of the current research project (BMWi). The focus of the current research project is the upgrade of the existing prototype plant and the development of a suitable electrolyte for plasma polishing of aluminium and aluminium alloys. In addition to the determination of suitable process parameters, various pretreatment methods are also investigated in order to achieve optimum surface properties. After completion of the project, it should be possible for the first time to plasma polish aluminium surfaces on a laboratory and industrial scale.
Bearbeiter:Dipl.-Phys. Matthias Cornelsen
Förderung: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)
Laufzeit: 08/ 2017 - 12/ 2019
Kooperation: plasotec GmbH, Rathenow