Pedram Azizi M.Sc.
Scientific assistant
Pedram Azizi studied Mechanical Engineering with specialization “Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer” in Iran. He finished his Master studies in “Computational Science and Engineering” with specialization “Computational Mechanical Engineering” on June 2018 at University of Rostock. He worked about two years as research assistant and graduate teacher assistant during his master studies in the chair of “Wind Energy Technology”. His main activities were “Developing new type of airfoils and aerodynamic shapes for blades of a Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine” using CFD and supervising exercise classes.
He continued his research and teaching activities with the chair of “Wind Energy Technology” after his master studies from July 2018 until July 2020. During this period of time he worked on a third-party project with the aim of “Designing of an active mechanical control system for advanced spar-buoy platform of offshore wind turbines using a multibody system model”. Moreover, he continued his CFD studies on wind turbine’s wake and supervised students with different topics on “Aerodynamics and CFD Simulations of Wind Turbines”.
He has started his work as a “Research Assistant” in the chair of Microfluidics since July 2020. He performs numerical simulations (CFD, FEM, FSI) and works on the project “Electrical and Mechanical Stimulation of Cartilage: Developing a Multiphysics Model”.
University of Rostock
Chair of Microfluidics
Pedram Azizi M.Sc.
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6
18059 Rostock
Tel.: +49 381 498 9099
Fax: +49 381 498 9092
Office: UT19