Development of a method for collagenase-free separation of stem cells from human adipose tissue
Joint research project: Development of a system for automated cell fractionation from human adipose tissue for novel regenerative applications and therapies (ARENA)
This sub-project supports the development of a new system for the production of regenerative cells from lipoaspirate by developing a new method for the separation of large amounts of stem cells from human adipose tissue. This method is supposed to make a tissue dissociation using collagenases unnecessary. For this purpose, experiments are to be developed and carried out in cooperation with the Department of Cell Biology of the University Medical Center Rostock, where different principles of action are investigated. Since the project partners suspect a large influence of the mechanical properties on a stable cell separation, a better scientific understanding of the mechanical properties of fat and stem cells is to be gained in addition to the purely experimental development. The ARENA project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) from the European Structural Funds of the European Union.
Contact: Dr.-Ing. Christoph Drobek
Funding: Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE)
Duration: 10/2015 - 03/2018
Cooperation: HUMAN MED AG, Schwerin; Zellbiologie, Universitätsmedizin